A casino is a gambling establishment that is open to the public and provides an array of games of chance. In addition to the traditional tables and chairs, casinos offer food, drinks, stage shows and other entertainment. While many people associate the word “casino” with lavish Vegas-style palaces, there have been less extravagant places that house gambling activities and still qualify as casinos.
As any capitalist enterprise, a successful casino aims to make money. It does so by generating revenue for the corporations, investors and Native American tribes that own and operate them, as well as state and local governments that collect taxes and other fees from casino patrons. A casino’s bottom line is also determined by the number of players that it can attract and convert to paying customers, so it must offer attractive inducements to keep the crowds coming back.
The basic business model of a casino is that the house always wins. Every game has a built-in advantage that gives the house an expected gross profit, known as the house edge. It is mathematically impossible for a gambler to win more than the casino can afford to pay out, even if he or she plays perfect strategy.
To offset the house edge, casinos rely on noise and light to create an euphoric environment that makes people feel good about themselves and want to gamble more. The lights are bright, and they often flash or change colors to make the environment seem more exciting and fun. The music is loud, and it is usually a mix of current hits and classic hits. Alcohol is served in the casino, and it helps to encourage gambling by making people drowsy and more willing to lose track of time.
Adding to the euphoric atmosphere are the casino’s employees, who are often young and attractive. This type of personnel is called the “resort staff.” Many resorts employ thousands of these workers to make sure that the gaming experience is as pleasant as possible for guests. These employees are responsible for a casino’s reputation as an upscale and exclusive destination, which in turn increases its earnings potential.
While the mob once controlled most of the world’s casinos, real estate investors and hotel chains now have deep pockets that enable them to out-dance the mobsters and take over control of these gambling hotspots. A number of casinos have even become affluent enough to sponsor prestigious events and concerts, which further draws in the crowds.
Casinos offer a variety of incentives to keep their customers playing, or “gambling.” The most common is the free drink. Another is comps, which are free goods or services offered to a customer based on the amount of money he or she spends at the casino. Large gamblers are often given free meals, hotel rooms, tickets to shows and limo service, among other amenities. Some casinos even waft scented oils through their ventilation systems to make the customers more comfortable.